Monday, January 30, 2012

brominated vegetable oil.

Need another reason to stop drinking soda other then the huge amounts of sugar and artificial ingredients?  Brominated vegetable oil is that reason.
Brominated vegetable oil, also known as BVO, is found in artificially flavored citrus beverages.... oh yeah, it is also patented as a flame retardant for plastics and found in pesticides.  Although BVO is banned in over 100 countries,  the US still allows a controlled amounts to be added to our foods.  So, what's the big deal?   BVO is a vegetable oil which has had its density increased to that of water by combining it with BROMINE... a toxic element!
Bromine interferes with the endocrine system and is a central nervous system depressant. Over-consumption of bromine can result in a bromine toxicity known as brominism.  Brominism can cause numerous health problems such as skin rashes, paranoia, cardiac arrhythmias, and even an iodine deficiency.  Even worse news is that because bromine is fat-soluble, it builds up in our tissues.  
I just can't understand how the FDA could ever find this okay.  Even though they label BVO as an ingredient that requires further research, the FDA still allows it to be added to foods until these studies are done.  
So, until the FDA steps up,  start avoiding BVO and other bromide foods:
1. Mountain Dew, Fanta, Orange Crush, Squirt, Sun Drop, Fresca, some Gatorades and Powerades 
2. Commercial breads and some pastas contain another bromine ingredient as a dough conditioner called potassium bromate.
3. Conventionally grown produce - especially strawberries - contain bromide, thanks to the addition of pesticides.

1 comment:

  1. Why would an additive be added to fruit? That's going beyond outrages. Bromine is used in pigs to make their meat more lean (What the heck?). I don't like any drugs to be administered to animals for the sole purpose of making them bigger for someone to eat them. Well, being a vegan doesn't let me like animal consumption.
