Monday, January 16, 2012


I love yogurt!  Not only because it is absolutely delicious, but yogurt has many beneficial nutritional and health properties.  I think the most important health benefit is that yogurt contains probiotics.  Probiotics are  amazing little live microorganisms that are similar to the bacteria naturally found in our intestines.  These "good" bacteria assist in digestion and immunity by protecting us from harmful yeasts and  bacteria.

 Probiotics feed on nondigestible carbohydrates to thrive.  These carbohydrates are called prebiotics.  When a food contains both probiotics and prebiotics it is considered to be symbiotic.  Yogurts are symbiotic because they contain the good bacteria (probiotics) and the food they need to survive (prebiotics).

There are many different varieties of yogurt that originate from all over the world.  Yogurts can also be made from different types of milks such as cow's milk, goat's milk, soy milk, coconut milk.  I'm personally obsessed with strained yogurt and yogurt drinks.

Strained Yogurt:  yogurt is strained using a cloth or filter to remove the whey (a milk protein).  Once the whey is removed yogurt it leaves a thicker texture that is higher in protein and lower in sugar (lactose) then regular yogurt.  Unfortunately, it is lower in prebiotics because they were lost with the whey.
Examples of strained yogurt:
Greek Yogurt (yiaourti) - is likely the best known strained yogurt by Americans.  It has a thick and creamy texture and provides about 20 grams of protein per 8 ounces.
Lebneh (yogurt cheese) - is strained longer then Greek yogurt which results in a creamy and spreadable cheese-like texture that is popular in the Middle East. 
Skyr (Icelandic yogurt) -  made with skim milk and includes an additional fermentation process that gives it a rich and mild flavor (that is less sour then Greek yogurt).  It also contains a couple more grams of protein then Greek yogurt.

Yogurt Drinks: Contains both casein and whey and are thinner in texture.
Examples of yogurt drinks:
Kefir - a fermented milk beverage that is popular is Russia and Central Asia.  It is thinner then American style yogurt because of the production method that involves kefir grains.  Kefir grains contain high amounts beneficial bacteria, beneficial yeasts, and milk proteins.  Kefir has more probiotics and is thought to be easier to digest then other yogurt varieties. 
Ayran -  A Turkish cold beverage that blends yogurt with water and salt.

No matter what variety of yogurt you choose, you will be providing yourself with probiotics, prebiotics, calcium, B vitamins, potassium, and protein.  Choose one that is artificial sweetener-free and lower in fat and sugar to include in a healthy and nutritious snack or breakfast!

The cultured products currently in my fridge!

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