Friday, January 13, 2012


I think snacking between meals is an important dietary habit, but it must be done correctly.  Snacking provides the needed fuel for your body and for your mind.  It also keeps your metabolism from slowing throughout the day and decreases the chance of becoming too hungry (the unsatisfiable kind...where you end up eating whatever you can get your hands on).  The rules of snacking are easy: moderation, portion control, and nutrient density.

So technically what qualifies as a snack?  Anything between 150 and 200 calories.  But, since I hate counting my food (or calories), I attempt to choose balanced snacks and try to remain mindful about my hunger.  Mixing a carbohydrate with lean protein when snacking provides a nutritious and filling punch. Snacking should only occur 1-3 times per day... such as a mid morning snack between breakfast and lunch or a late afternoon snack between lunch and dinner or a late evening snack after dinner.

Here are some healthy snack options:
Greek yogurt topped with berries or granola or paired with a piece of fresh fruit
Apple, banana, or celery with natural peanut butter
Whole grain crackers with  natural almond butter
Whole grain pretzels and low fat string cheese or a hardboiled egg
Natural graham crackers and 1% milk or unsweetened soy milk
Raw almonds, pecans, or walnuts
Baby carrots and celery with hummus

happy snacking :)

Snacks from the week:

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